CMHA National – Children, Youth and Depression

While we may think of low mood or other challenges as adult problems, they can affect people at any age. Children and teens can experience mental illnesses like depression.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse – Youth

A spotlight on Youth experiencing mental health issues, increased substance abuse. Resources and contacts for how to cope.

Children, Youth and Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal and expected response to a threat. It’s what helps you notice danger and keeps you safe until a threat passes. Threats are not just about physical safety. Threats can include conflict at home, deadlines or expectations at school, or fitting in with social groups. This brochure includes info for parents and caregivers …

CMHA National- Mental Illnesses Brochures

Mental illnesses and disorders are complex and varied. Find brochures and information on specific illnesses for all ages, from children to seniors.

Open Mind – Youth Mental Health Tools and Resources

The transition between youth and adulthood can be overwhelming for those who may face new experiences, challenges, and pressures. With the addition of a global pandemic, resources for physicians, parents, teachers, and youth are more necessary than ever. Open Mind BC has a wealth of information and support services.

Talking to Teens About Mental Health – CMHA-BC

CMHA-BC has compiled a resource on how to talk to teenagers about their mental health. This page includes a pdf document (below) to help facilitate the who, what, when and where’s of open communication with teens. This page also contains a downloadable PDF pamphlet.

Richard’s Legacy – Facebook Page and Contact

Survivors of suicide loss – If you have been affected by the death of a loved one by suicide and need someone to talk to, please reach out. We meet one on one and also in a support group where the surroundings are safe and comfortable. You are not alone. Call: 709-726-4223 Email:

50 Ways to Stay Mentally Healthy While Social Distancing

The CMHA has compiled a list of 50 ideas to keep your mind off social distancing ad other limiting circumstances, and on positive distractions for your mental health.

Preventing Suicide – CMHA National Pamphlet

Talking about suicide won’t give them the idea. If someone is seriously considering suicide, they may be relieved that they can talk about it. Read more at

Safer Language Reference Guide

Combating stigma related to mental illness, suicide, and substance use starts with how we use language — something that continuously evolves. That’s why we must all be aware of any outdated language being used in the media and around us every day. Everyone can be a champion against stigma when advocating the use of accurate and respectful language. So, as you communicate with others, be mindful of the impact of your language.


BounceBack is a free, guided self-help program effective in helping adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress or worry. Participants can customize their own program, learn ways to overcome their symptoms and improve their mental well-being now and in the future. Available to Newfoundland and Labrador residents in English and in French.

Daily Self-Care Check-In Cards


Self-care is considered any deliberate activity that supports your mental, emotional, and physical health. When you take time to meet your own needs, you will be better able to care for yourself and others. Use the first card on this handout as a guide to get started. You can use the same prompts each day or create your own (Ex: today I… practiced gratitude; rode my bike; hugged my dog, etc.).

Self-Care Bingo


Self-care is considered any deliberate activity that supports our mental, emotional, and physical health. By taking time to care for yourself, you can better cope with anxiety and stress, and help improve your overall wellbeing. Additionally, when you take time to meet your own needs, you will be better able to care for others. Use these stackable bingo prompts to get started. Try one or all. Create your own. Start small. Remember: self-care is not selfish.

Not a Child: Suicide Resource Toolkit

Every year about 12,000 children aged 5-14 years old are admitted to psychiatric hospital units for suicidal behaviour. This toolkit includes statistics, warning signs, risk factors, protective factors, and more.

Aboriginal Resource Toolkit: Suicide Prevention

The effects of colonization and governmental policies of forced assimilation continue to cause acculturative stress and marginalization amongst the Aboriginal population. Learn about risk factors, statistics, protective factors and resources with this toolkit.

Teen Suicide: Resource Toolkit

Teens are admitted to hospital for suicide attempts more than any other age group. Some accounts suggest as many as one quarter of all admissions are for teens. Learn the risk factors, protective factors, and more with this guide.

Hello! I am a Virus…

View and print this handy information booklet to help teach children about COVID-19. Contains 12 brightly coloured pages and interactive sections.

Support vs. ‘Toxic Positivity’


Offering someone ‘toxic positivity’ can often shut down the conversation by making them feel they shouldn’t share their ‘bad’ feelings. Supporting others through validation can let them know that their negative feelings are okay and they are not alone. The chart below, by Whitney Hawkins Goodman, LMFT, provides examples of validating statements versus toxic positivity. Which statement will have a more effective outcome for the person you are trying to support?

Self-Esteem Journal


Positive journaling has been found to help improve feelings of well-being and self-esteem. Record three daily statements related to your successes, good qualities, and positive experiences. This worksheet, by, is great for those who need ideas to journal about and has been designed with daily prompts, such as “Today I accomplished…” and “Something I did for someone…”.

Self-Care Wheel


With over 80 self-care exercises and healing modalities, the Self-Care Wheel, by Olga Phoenix, is a great beginning for your personalized, preventative, and sustainable Self-Care plan. Use the Self-Care Wheel below to manage every-day stress, increase contentment and life satisfaction, and learn which areas of your life need improvement.

Feelings Wheel


The Feeling Wheel can help people recognize and communicate what they are feeling. The inner circle is labeled with names of primary feelings (mad, sad, scared, joyful, powerful, and peaceful). The outer rings contain names of secondary feelings related to the primary ones. Use the Feelings Wheel, by Gloria Willcox, to describe how you’re feeling.

CMHA National – Mental Health Brochures (General)

Looking for mental health tips or interested in more information about a specific mental health issue? CMHA National offers a wide variety of brochures on various topics related to mental health and mental illness. To find out more please click the link below.

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